Earn free cryptos - the upscaled way

Hi there,  it's crypty bronye again and i must say  it's been a while on the crypto-path, and in the time between it's been a rough journey down the beaten path and a few branching offs into the roads less travelled. Without further ado imma head right in.

In this post imma outline one of the rode less ridden which I have made a beaten path.

First we should realise this is coming in at a time when a larger part of the world's government has imposed some form of lock downs or the other, and a lot of businesses and individuals recorded record loss in a matter of days, and a lot actually have no hope for the future all this due to the recent spread of SARS-nCoV striking the fear of CoViD in the hearts of men and recently there was a sharp drop in the prices of most crypto assets (actually almost every commodity, but we only care about the cryptos, innit?) bitcoin being the largest had more impact, the phrase breaking barriers has never before being so scary, you know what i mean, with Cryptos saying "hold my beer" as they encountered barriers set in futility, but hopefully it seems to be picking back up again and we can only hope, i will be explaining why the price dropped like so in this post

but then back to my original post,

by the way you can watch my video concerning the plague on YouTube
it's completely beside the topic but learning never hurts unless it pertains to love triangles and friend zones! ouch

So on to my post, well you may or may not know about faucets and all, still gotta share any way you might get a few eye opener here. So it sort of is a way to earn "free" cryptos in the sense that there is no such thing as a free lunch and time is money, bet you caught my drift.

Well we'll be needing an email,  some time... nope a lot of time,
cryptos are such a big deal and getting 'em free in a short time by global standards is nothing short of pullin off a scam i mean who just gets 1 btc like free in 30 minutes?, now you see so first

I'm gonna outline the basics and then I'll outline my model and we'll go earn some crypto so first you head over to coinpot  and sign up with your email, once you are done head over to all of these faucets ; moon litecoin, moon bitcoin, moondogecoin, moondashcoin, moonbitcoincash and register withe the email you used for the coinpot registration earlier.

important notes are ; make sure you use the same email for coinpot and each of these websites, do enable 2FA on coinpot to ensure the security of your coins.


Simple enough, usually you simply claim from each of the faucets when you can and wish, then you wait for them to reach their various thresholds and withdraw, but that will take forever. I took a further step leveraging on coinpot's exchange feature, and i pick a target coin to swap them all for,
also coinpot has a token system and you can swap this too for your target coin. This seems nice enough but then we can make this fast process a lot faster by adding one more level.

Level NXT

first create a wallet of your desired coin, i chose litecoin so that i can reach the threshold faster and it is the next contender after btc in my view (and considering the coins moon faucets offer) now when you claim from any moon faucet, you get activity points in coin pot, you convert these to your coin, when you reach the threshold you withdraw to your wallet, and repeat,
that is big step one,

there is a faucet/rotator similar to the coipot system it's faucetpay.
With this one you actually copy your address from the faucetpay wallet to the faucets on the rotator list then swap them for your chosen coin in the exchanges tab and when threshold reached you withdraw to wallet. big step 2,
A few others you can sign up on are

i wold love to add more but i only want to put the ones i am sure of their payout, i have run into a few that were...... well you know the story, glad i didn't lose actual money to them but sad i wasted my time and i don't want same for you so i will only add this two options okay so with just an email you can start earning some crypto,


this method is considered fast but may not be as fast as you are expecting, if you don't give up and are consistent when you start accruing some money you gonna be smiling anyway,

but if this impacts your life negatively i recommend you apply the brakes in your senses and stop, the money may not worth your real life, relationship with others(spouse, loved ones), job,etc
you can check "faucets and how they drip" in my next post. love ya!!!


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